Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactor

Electrical power is, and will increasingly become, the desired form of energy for its convenience, safety, flexibility and applicability. Even future transportation embraces electric cars, trains, and chemical fuel production (jet fuel, hydrogen, etc.) based upon an abundant electrical supply. Although existing energy sources can and should be expanded where practical, no one source has shown to be practical to rapidly fulfill the world's energy requirements effectively. Presently there is an existing source of energy ideally suited to electrical energy production that is not being exploited anywhere in the world today, although its existence and practicality has been know since the earliest days of nuclear science. Thorium is the third source of fission energy and the LFTR is the idealized mechanism to turn this resource into electrical energy. Enough safe, clean energy, globally sustainable for 1000's of years at US standards. The LFTR is unique, having a hot liquid core thus eliminating fuel fabrication costs and the need for a large reactor. It cannot have a nuclear meltdown and is so safe that typical control rods are not required at all. This design topples all the conventional arguments against conventional energy sources in such areas as: * Waste Production * Safety * Proliferation * Capital Costs and Location * Environmental Impact * Social Acceptance * Flexibility * Grid Infrastructure * Efficiency
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                     "Ce ti se mai poate intampla in Romania"

"Am avut la un moment dat o polita de asigurare emisa de ARDAF incheiata vis-a-vis de Serviciul de Inmatriculari Pipera la birourile de copiat acte de acolo si am "lovit" pe cineva. Am dat polita si dupa cateva luni ...surprize ...polita era un fel de duplicat. Adica pe acelasi contract de asigurare fusesera inregistrate doua masini. A mea si inca una din Constanta.
  Dupa o investigatie pe cont propriu nu tocmai ortodoxa zicem "operatiunea portbagajul" primit o despagubire de 1000 euro, plata totala a daunelor celui care a avut problema + o noua polita foarte valabila.
  Dupa povestea asta Ardaful s-a sesizat si m-am trezit chemat pe la politie sa dau cu subsemnatul, o polita falsa fiind obiectul unui dosar penal. L-au gasit si pe individul care facuse golania si pe sefa lui nevinovata care mi-a platit fara sa caraie tot dupa "operatiunea portbagajul 2" si-a adus aminte de mine, de polita respectiva si a declarat tot ce s-a intamplat la politie. Individul facea parte dintr-o retea foarte bine organizata... faceau politie duble, triple, cvaduble bazandu-se foarte tare ca oamenii nu or sa utilizeze aceste polite... Aceasta era o afacere de multe zeci de mii de euro pe an... bani pe care noi ii plateam dar aveam asigurare nu ... Am inteles ca au incheiat in doi ani aproape 500 de polite de asigurare false (duble, triple etc)...

   Ptr autoturismele inmatriculate in RO puteti verifica aici daca polita RCA este valabila sau nu (se actualizeaza la cateva zile):
   Ptr autoturismele inmatriculate in RO puteti verifica aici daca ITP-ul este valabil sau nu (se actualizeaza la cateva zile):

   Rovigneta se poate verifica la orice benzinarie sau agent economic care vinde acest serviciu. "

Yonutz club4x4

Extreme Sports in Russian Way

BUG Mafia cu Loredana "Fara cuvinte" Ringtone - instrumental

                                         BUG Mafia Fara cuvinte Ringtone by icXu

Download: DOWNLOAD: B.U.G. Mafia "Fara cuvinte" ringtone

Watch out for Supergran!

Caught on camera by - The have-a-go-hero pensioner who bravely fought off six jewellery shop robbers with her handbag spoke out for the first time. The gang of robbers came armed with sledgehammers and began breaking into the jewellers in Northampton, Northants. But they fled the scene after a pensioner in her 70s attacked them with her handbag. Speaking of her bravery the woman, who has not been named, denied she is a hero and revealed she acted after other bystanders ''did nothing''.

This... explains everything...

Darth Vader and the Imperial March on Bagpipes and Unicycle.